Who knew the National Parks would be the face of the resistance?
After inauguration, I knew there would be protests, fights, and resistance to this president. What I did not see coming was that park rangers would be leading the cause. But in the face of the unimaginable, a new and beautiful thing has arisen. And it’s the Alt National Park Twitter accounts.
For anyone in a cave that isn’t a part of the National Park System, a gag order was placed on NPS, telling them not to tweet about science or “facts.” So they went rogue, creating unauthorized Twitter accounts to tweet their non-alternative facts. And it is a thing of beauty.
Here’s a list of all the rogue Twitter accounts you should be following. Twitter might be worth it for these accounts alone.
- AltBadlandsNatPark @AltBadlandsPark
- Alt-Badlands NPS @AltBadlandsNPS
- BadHombreLands NPS @BadHombreNPS
- BadlandsNPSFans @BadIandsNPSFans
- AltGlacierNPS @AltGlacierNPS
- GlacierNPS @GlacierNPSAlt
- AltHot Springs NP @HotSpringsNPS
- Alt Hi Volcanoes NP @AltVolcanoes_NP
- AltLassenVolcanicNP @AltLassenNPS
- AltMountRainier
- AltOlympicNPS @olympicRogueNPS
- AltUSNatParkService @AltNatParkSer
- AltRockyNPS @AltRockyNPS
- ALTUSNatParkSer @ALTUSNatParkSer
- NatlParksUnderground @NatParkUndrgrnd
- AltYellowstoneNatPar @AltYelloNatPark
- AltYosemite @AltYosemite
- Alt HHS @AltHHS
- The Alt NPS and EPA @altNPSandEPA
- Angry National Park @AngryNatlPark
- March for Science @ScienceMarchDC
- NWS Podunk @NWSPodunk
- U.S. Science Service @NatlSciService
We recommend you whip up a batch of The Climate Denier to drink while you weep over what’s left of our National Parks.