The Big Brother

The Big Brother

In Trump’s America, ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery, and war is peace. The Republicans in the House, under the leadership of Doubleplusgood Duckspeaker Ryan, have voted to strip you of privacy protections and allow Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, and other Internet Service Providers to monitor and sell your browsing history, app history, location data, and…

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The Climate Denier

The Climate Denier

There is literally a cocktail for every Trump occasion in Cocktails for Survival: Not as Trump as you drink I am. I didn’t realize how apropos some of these would become. Today, the Climate-Denier-in-Chief is set to sign an Executive Order that would radically change regulations that affect climate change because really, who needs clean…

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The Point Guys have some Trumped Up Drinks

“The Point” is the brainchild of Fred Kuhr, an actor and journalist, who wanted to put a new spin on the talk-show format by bringing together a diverse group of gay and straight men. After bringing the pop-culture obsessed Tito Faustino on board, they went on an exhaustive search to find just the right guys…

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The ACA Replacement

The ACA Replacement

Did you hear the good news? Republicans have revealed their replacement for the Affordable Care Act. Designed almost exclusively to help the rich maintain and increase their wealth while screwing over the poor, sick and elderly. “Sorry, Aunt Lettie, I know you need your dementia meds, but here’s a voucher for some Tylenol instead. Have…

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Exclusive: Mike Pence’s Top 8 Revealed

Mike Pence MySpace

Drunk Publius can exclusively reveal today Mike Pence’s MySpace Top 8. Sources have confirmed today that throughout his governorship of Indiana, Mike Pence routinely performed official state business from his AOL email account. Drunk Publius has researched and also discovered the following information published on Mike Pence’s Geocities website. Modem Speed: 3200 baud Favorite Browser: Netscape Favorite Search Engine: Lycos OS:…

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The Sessions

The Sessions

When you get home from your Klan meeting and have a list of calls from Russia to return, sometimes you just need a drink to help you face it all. We’re here to help, Jeff, with a new drink called The Sessions. The Sessions Ingredients 1 oz Southern Comfort 1 oz Russian vodka 1/2 oz sloe gin…

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